Q: How can I buy tickets on this website?
A: Register on the website and log in with your username and password click on the events you wish to purchase and choose the quantity check out and pay with any of the payment platform.
Q: I got a bar code what should I do next?
A: Dear customer the bar code represent your tickets please bring it to the venue for verification you can print it out.
Q: Where can I get the physical tickets?
A: Kindly click on Partner outlets on the top menu on the website. There you get the address of our distribution outlets across Nigeria.
Q: Where do the tickets go to after purchase?
A: Dear customer after buying online the e-tickets which contain bar codes and tickets I.D will be sent to your registered e-mail address print it out and bring it to the venue.
Q: I will like to know any concert or show coming up this month?
A: Kindly check the website for the featured event,time and venue
Q: How do upload or put my event on ?
A: Register on the website lunch on your profile and click on the upload event menu.
Q: How can I check for sales?
A: Access your profile with the user name and password click the view tickets sales on your event menu.
Q: Is there customer support available for organizers?
A: Yes, we provide customer support for organizers. You can find contact information or a help center on the website.